Haclyon Rebirth
Halcyon Rebirth is the first book in the saga. It tells the story of Gabriel Jones, a struggling writer and journalist who gets much more than he bargains for when researching the occult history of a sleepy Derbyshire village.
Halcyon Rebirth is available on Kindle from Amazon for $2.99 (£2.17) To purchase please click the Amazon icon below.
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The Halcyon Order: Website
The Halcyon Order is a website to promote what will be a series of books by the indie author Morgan Sales. These books will chronicle the story of an ancient order who are dedicated to keeping the world of the supernatural separate and hidden from the world we all see. Move and more of the order’s background, nature and legacy will be revealed in conecutive publications.
The author writes in his free time and is currently releasing exclusively for Kindle through Amazon.